One thing is certain: None of the books on this list are "vanilla." Fifty Shades of Grey introduced millions to the world of erotic fiction, and (hopefully) this list will help these new fans discover more hot reads!If you're a huge 50 Shades of Grey fan, you've probably seen the 50 Shades movie, too.

Given the tremendous popularity of the 50 Shades of Grey books, is it any wonder that readers are clamoring to get their hands on more hot reading? Fortunately, there's a whole slew of excellent reading choices out there - from straight-up BDSM novels to lighter erotic fare, there really is something for everyone. If you were looking for books like 50 Shades of Gray, it's okay, you will still find what you're looking for! It's by no means complete, though, so please, if you have a favorite book that you think fits well as one of the best books like 50 Shades of Grey, please add it! Also, be sure to vote for the books that you liked the most, and vote down any that you just don't think deserve a spot on this list. This list includes a lot of great erotic/romance novels that fans of the Fifty Shades trilogy might enjoy.

James, is there anything else out there that's comparable? Yes. What are some similar books to Fifty Shades of Grey? If you've just finished the 50 Shades trilogy of erotic fiction novels by E.L.